Friday, December 20, 2013

First Semester of College ends

Well, my first semester of college ended. It was filled with excitement, achievements, and promises. Some of the things that I accomplished include getting elected to RUSA, which is the Rutgers University Student Assembly, and getting enough leadership points to be a First Year Fifteen Leadership member.
One of the successful things that I did as a RUSA member is have my name on a bill that passed through the RUSA body unanimously. This bill is called Name preference. Originally, this bill was designed to help trans* students be seen and heard in class. Professors would mark trans* students absent because the name on the roster is not the name that the student goes by. This bill allows the academic affairs committee, which is my committee, to work with OIRT. OIRT is the Office of Information Research Technology and it operates SAKAI webpages for professors and student organizations at Rutgers. We are preparing to add a preferred name section to SAKAI , so people see your preferred name rather than your legal name. We will also be doing this for the class roster and any document that is not legally binding or official. This bill also benefits international students. If you are known as a Chinese name. You can now add your English name to the roster, so professors know how to say your name. This avoids public embarrassment and a more comfortable environment at the university.
Second, RUSA also passed the budget unanimously through the body. All 350 organizations funded by RUSA allocations will get their funding. 

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