Sunday, January 5, 2014

Another important project

One of the biggest issues on campus so far that I want to fix is the constant speeding on Livingston Campus. Speeding cars jeopardize the lives of students, faculty members, employees and parents who constantly visit the campus and the university every day and week. One of the trouble spots is Road 3 between Livingston Campus Recreation Center and The Quads. Students who live in the quads need to cross a road where plenty of cars speed through faster than the 25 mph speed limit. Furthermore, they have to go through a busy parking lot with inexperience drivers like young adults. The reasons for this issue stems from the lack of visible speed signs, speed bumps, and the direct cross walk to the recreation center. I propose that we add several speed bumps on Road three and add a crosswalk that directly faces the entrance of the recreation center.
Another speeding issue is on Joyce Kilmer road where students commuting park their cars have a difficult time crossing the road due to speeding vehicles. It also jeopardizes the lives of students and people who frequently cross the road to get to the Asian American Student Center and the Thomas Edison Papers Project.
Business School students frequently cross another road, Rockafeller road to get to the Business School for classes. Often, they have to wait or risk getting hit by cars. These vehicles neither yield nor slow down their speeds. They keep on zooming through Livingston Campus.
I seek to make sure more speed limit signs are visibly placed and more crosswalks are created. Along with the creation of several speed bumps, livingston campus can be much safer. 

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